Friday, May 10th (4-6pm) & Saturday May 11 (9 - noon)
Where: Maine East High School (Dee & Dempster parking lot)
What: Over 50 species of native wildflowers, grasses, and sedges!
What: Over 50 species of native wildflowers, grasses, and sedges!
- $4 each - individual 2.5" x 3.5" deep pots (plants grown by Agrecol)
- Native plant gardeners available for design consult at pickup
- Proceeds to benefit Maine East High School Ecology Club (outdoor nature spaces) & Go Green Park Ridge
- Free compost with purchase - BYO 5-gallon bucket
- Tour the Maine East Oak Savanna!
Plant List - full or part sun: (Click each to see images)
Shorter (1-2 ft) Prairie Smoke (Spring blooming) Bradbury's Bee Balm (May, June bloom) Spotted Bee Balm (June, July) Wild Petunia (June - Aug) Nodding Pink Onion (July - Aug) Butterfly Milkweed (June - Aug) Whorled Milkweed (July - Sept) Spider Milkweed (May - June) Purple Prairie Clover (July - Sep., protect from bunnies!) White Prairie Clover (July - Sep, protect from bunnies!) Aromatic Aster (Aug - Nov) Mistflower (Sept - Oct, will spread easily. so take caution) Blue Flag Iris (May - July, likes wet soil) Hoary Vervain (Sept) Downy Woodmint (May - Aug) Pasque Flower (March-May) Med Height (3-4 ft) Turtlehead (July - Sept, likes wet soil) Showy Black-eyed Susan (Aug - Sep) Ohio Spiderwort (May - July) Wild Bergamot (July - Sep) Smooth Penstemon (June - July) Rattlesnake Master (July - Sep) Great Blue Lobelia (July - Oct; likes wet soil) Cardinal Flower (July - Sept; likes wet soil) Royal Catchfly (June - Aug) Rough Blazing Star (July - Sep) Sneezeweed (Aug - Oct, likes wet soil) Purple Coneflower (July - Sep) Obedient Plant (Aug - Sept) Mountain Mint (July - Sept) Golden Alexander (May-June) Wild Quinine (June-September) Zigzag Goldenrod (July-October) |
Taller (5+ ft) New England Aster (Aug - Oct) Culver's Root Marsh Blazing Star (July - Sep, likes wet soil) Showy Goldenrod (Sept - Nov) |
Plant List - can take full shade: (Click each to see images)
Jacob's Ladder (Spring)
Wild Columbine (April - June)
Wild Geranium (April - July)
Elm-leaved Goldenrod (Aug, Sept)
Jacob's Ladder (Spring)
Wild Columbine (April - June)
Wild Geranium (April - July)
Elm-leaved Goldenrod (Aug, Sept)
Prairie Dropseed
Brown Fox Sedge
Little Bluestem
Shrubs: ($40 each)
Indigo Bush (Amorphus fructicosa) - 3 gallon
Kalm's St. Johns Wort (Hypericum kalmianum) - 3 gallon
Spicebush (Lindera benzoin) - 3 gallon
Chokecherry (Prunus virginiana) - 3 gallon
American Black Currant (Ribes americana) - 5 gallon
Elderberry (Sambucus canadensis) - 5 gallon
Nannyberry (Viburnum lentago) - 5 gallon
Need help deciding? Choose one of our sun-loving kits:
Plant Kit # 1 ($40)
Allium cernuum (5)
Rudbeckia fulgida speciosa (3)
Asclepias tuberosa (3)
Plant Kit # 2 ($40)
Liatris aspera (5)
Rudbeckia fulgida speciosa (3)
Sporobolus heterolepis (3) or Aquilegia canadensis (3)
Prairie Dropseed
Brown Fox Sedge
Little Bluestem
Shrubs: ($40 each)
Indigo Bush (Amorphus fructicosa) - 3 gallon
Kalm's St. Johns Wort (Hypericum kalmianum) - 3 gallon
Spicebush (Lindera benzoin) - 3 gallon
Chokecherry (Prunus virginiana) - 3 gallon
American Black Currant (Ribes americana) - 5 gallon
Elderberry (Sambucus canadensis) - 5 gallon
Nannyberry (Viburnum lentago) - 5 gallon
Need help deciding? Choose one of our sun-loving kits:
Plant Kit # 1 ($40)
Allium cernuum (5)
Rudbeckia fulgida speciosa (3)
Asclepias tuberosa (3)
Plant Kit # 2 ($40)
Liatris aspera (5)
Rudbeckia fulgida speciosa (3)
Sporobolus heterolepis (3) or Aquilegia canadensis (3)
Why incorporate natives?
"The choices we make as gardeners can profoundly impact the diversity of life in our yards, towns, and on our planet... Everyone can welcome more wildlife into their yards just by planting a few native plants." Doug Tallamy, Bringing Nature Home
The first part of this video provides fascinating information about insect specialists and their importance in our society. |
Are you interested in knowing where to find these native flowers in bloom in the wild? Photographer Mike McDonald and his scouts around Chicago can guide you at ChicagoNatureNOW!